
Greatlife Immigration Services Ltd



Shared Workspaces, level 2, 80 Parton Road, Papamoa, Tauranga 3118




General Information

First Name as shown in passport *

Family Name as shown in passport *

Email *

Phone *

Skype ID

Address Line 1

Address Line 2




Country Of Interest

Please state current location if different from above


List any other citizenships you hold

Home Language

Other Languages

Date Of Birth (dd-mm-yyyy)


English language ability - Indicate your level

IELTS test - If you have completed an IELTS test, provide your overall score.

If you have ever worked in New Zealand, how many years?

If you are already in New Zealand select your current Visa type

Current visa expiry date (if applicable) (dd-mm-yyyy)

If you have a Job Offer in New Zealand, please provide details

If you have ever been convicted of an offence (including a traffic offence) please provide details

If you have ever been refused entry or any visa to any country (including New Zealand) please provide details

If you have any health condition that is likely to require ongoing treatment or medication, please provide details

Your Qualifications

Select the highest level of tertiary qualification you hold

State the exact name of your highest qualification

State the exact name of that education institution

What year was your highest qualification awarded?

If your highest qualification is a post graduate qualification please give details of your bachelors degree.

State the exact name of your bachelors degree

State the exact name of the institution where you attained your bachelors degree

State the year you attained your bachelors degree

Your Work Experience

What is your Main Occupation

How many years full time experience have you had in
an occupation relevant to your qualification / main skills

Do you have a partner?

If you have a spouse or partner, please tell us about their qualifications and work experience below.

Do you have any children?

Please tell us the purpose/reason you are requesting this assessment

Do you intend to actively seek work in New Zealand, including arranging local job interviews, or do you already possess a current job offer from a New Zealand employer?

Do you possess a completed university or college degree (normally at least 3 years study) or acceptable trade certificate (normally at least 2 years study)?

Do you possess at least 3 years relevant full time work experience in one of the occupations on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO)

Do you possess NZ$10 million to invest in New Zealand(over 3 years) - to be invested within first 12 months of residency ?

Do you possess NZ$3 million to invest in New Zealand(over 4 years) - to be invested within the first 12 months of Approval in Principle ?

Do you have experience of owning and / or managing a business and do you intend buying / setting up a relevant business in New Zealand? If so, do you possess sufficient funds to set up the business and settle you & your family?

Reason for assessment *

Select Type of Visa you are interested in

Do you have close relatives (partner or spouse / parents / siblings / adult children) who are NZ Residents/Citizens living in NZ? If so, please state your relationship.

Please complete the eligibility assessment form, pay the assessment fee and upload your Curriculum Vitae and proof of payment. A fully licensed immigration adviser will assess your eligibility and advise you on the best way forward. You will receive a written report within 15 business days, dependent on the number of inquiries received at the time. The assessment will be based on the understanding and interpretation of the New Zealand Immigration policy, legislation and operational policies. If your details and circumstances require further investigation and research or is complex, you’ll be requested to provide further information in order for the adviser to provide you with the best advice and options. As advisers licensed by the New Zealand Government we will be providing you with immigration advice as part of the eligibility assessment process. By submitting and paying for the online assessment you agree that you will be receiving immigration advice. The assessment fee details is at the end of the form

Payment information

The fee for a written report and assessment is NZ$200.00 This will be deducted when you sign on as a client. Payments can be made via PayPal or to the bank account below. Please upload the proof of payment when you complete the assessment form. BANKING DETAILS South Africa NEDBANK SAVINGS ACCOUNT Name: JH Barnard Account Number: 2339600537 Account Type: Savings Branch: 133926 (Pine Crest Centre, South Africa) Reference: Your Surname If in South Africa a flat rate of R2000.00 is applicable, to cover bank fees. This fee is not subjected to the exchange rate on the date. This amount will be deducted when you sign on as a client. ANZ Greatlife Immigration Services Ltd. 06-0807-0244516-00 Swift Code: ANZBNZ 22 PAYPAL Payments can be made to [email protected]. 1. Go to Send Payments Online. 2. Enter the email address and payment amount. 3. Choose the Goods & Services option and follow the on-screen instructions. Reference: Your Surname
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