
EdVantage International Consulting Limited



Ground Floor, 82 Symonds Street, Grafton, Auckland 1010, New Zealand





Full Name


1. Last name:

2. Given name:

3. Title:

4. Date of Birth:

5. Street Address:

6. Suburb:

7. City:

8. Country

9. Email Address:

10. Telephone:

11. Mobile:

12. Fax:

13. Marital Status:

14. How long have you lived together?:

15. Have you ever been divorced?:

16. If divorced, state date?

17. How did you hear about us?


18. Last name:

19. Given name:

20. Title:

21. Date of Birth:

22. Street Address:

23. Suburb:

24. City:

25. Country:

26. Email Address:

27. Telephone:

28. Mobile:

29. Fax:

30. Marital Status:

31. How long have you lived together?:

32. Are you a NZ Citizen or Resident?

33. Have you ever been divorced?If Yes, state date?

PERSONAL DETAILS - CHILDREN ( including those from a previous relationship)

34. Full name

35. Date of birth

36. Sex( M/F)

37. Country of residence

38. Country of Citizenship

39. Adopted ( Yes / No)

40. Do you have full custody ( Yes/ No)

VISA DETAILS - Only complete this if you are currently in Canada or previously have been in Canada

41. Main Applicant or Spouse/Partner or Child

42. Arrival Date:

43. Visa Type:

44. Expiry date:

45. Departure date:


Please list ALL countries you or anyone included in this application aged 17 years or over have spent a total of 10 years(not necessarily consecutively) in the last 10 years including your country of residence.

46. Main Applicant or Spouse/Partner or Child

47. Country

48. Date of entry:

49. Date of departure:

Has any person included in this application spent a total of 5 years or more(not necessarily consecutively)in any countrysince their 17th birthday? If so , please provide the relevant details below

50. Main Applicant or Spouse/Partner or Child

51. Name

52. Country

53. Date of Entry

54. Date of Departure


55. Has any person associated with this application ever had an application for temporary or permanent visa declined by any government or country, or have been deported/removed at any time from any country?

56. Name

57. Provide Details :

IMMEDIATE FAMILY ( parents, brother, sister, step and half brothers, sisters)

Please list all immediate family members for YOU below-

58. Name

59. Date of birth

60. Country

61. Immigration status

62. Relationship to you

Please list all immediate family members for YOUR SPOUSE/PARTNER below-

63. Name

64. Date of birth

65. Country

66. Immigration status

67. Relationship to you

YOUR EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS (please incldude short & long term coures latest to previous)

68. Type of school

69. Name of School

70. Start Date

71. Finish date

72. Qualification acheived

YOUR SPOUSE's / PARTNER's EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS (please incldude short & long term coures latest to previous)

73. Type of school

74. Name of School

75. Start Date

76. Finish date

77. Qualification acheived


78. TOTAL EXPERIENCE : _______________ years

79. Job title

80. Company name

81. Country

82. Start date

83. Finish date

84. Full/part time

85. Evidential docs(Yes/No)


86. TOTAL EXPERIENCE : _______________ years

87. Job title

88. Company name

89. Country

90. Start date

91. Finish date

92. Full/part time

93. Evidential docs(Yes/No)


 Do you or your Spouse have a avlaid offer of employment or are currently in New Zealand and having either an Offer of employment or currently employed / Please furnish these details below

94. Name of Employer

95. Location

96. Job Position & brief description

97. Type of job ( Casual/Full/Part time)

98. Start Date

99. Wage/ Salary offered

100. Current Visa type

101. Visa expiry date


We seek this information from you to ascertain whether you are eligible under certain categories of immigration instructions. This information will be treated with strcitest confidenceand will not be released to any third party without your express permission

102. What is your estimated (combined) net worth including Cash,property, investments and other assets/

103. Do you have net worth (assets or transefrable funds) in excess of 1.5 million NZD?

104. Would you be prepared to transfer a minimum of $1.5 million to NZ within 12 months of your visa being successful?

105. Are you part of a group of investors /business wth a Start-up Business idea that NZ might be interested in with export potential or potential to provide jobs to min. 3 NZers?

106. Have you ever been involved in a business ( as owner or senior employee) that had at least 5 full time staff and an annual turnover /sales equivalent of NZ $1 million over 3 years(not necessarily consecutively)?

BUSINESS EXPERIENCE - Only consider if you are considering owning a business in NZ

107. Have you ever owned a business?

If YES, please provide the following details:

108. Type of business

109. Your shareholding in that business( if applicable)

110. Years in operation

111. Average revenue / sales/ turnover over the last three trading years

112. Number of staff employed

113. Have you ever been involved in a failing business or been bankrupted?

114. What type and nature of business you want to establish in New Zealand

115. Have you done any research into purchasing or establishing a business in New zealand? If yes , please list below:
