
IEF Limited



326 New North Road, Kingsland



09 3772233

Parent Category Evaluation 父母团聚移民评估表

Full Name

Principal applicant details 主申请人信息

Reminder: the principal applicant is required to meet the requirement to apply for permanent resident visa. Usually, it means a commitment to New Zealand (ie, in each of the two 12-month portions prior to submitting the permanent resident visa, the principal applicant has lived a period or periods that amount to 184 days or more). You may decide which parent is the principal applicant accordingly. 

提示: 主申请人未来将需要住满移民监要求,即最后2年每年住满184天。 可根据父母情况选择合适的一方作为主申请人

1. Last Name 姓 *

2. First Name 名 *

3. Gender 性别 *

4. Date of Birth 出生日期 *

5. Country of Citizenship 国籍 *

6. Partnership Status 婚姻状况 *

7. If you have taken any English test, such as IELTS, please indicate the test result, the test name and when it was taken? 如果您有参加过任何英文考核,请说明考试名称(如,雅思)、考试名称和考试时间

8. If you already have a NZ visa, what is the visa type 若已持有新西兰签证,请说明类别

9. What is your current visa expiry date 当前新西兰签证到期日期

10. Please select the preferred IEF contact person 您希望由IEF哪位员工与您联络 *

11. How did you find us? 您是如何知道我们的? *

Applicant contact details 申请人联络方式

12. Current address 当前居住地址 *

13. Phone number 电话 *

14. Email 电邮 *

15. Wechat 微信号

16. Whatsapp

Partner details 配偶信息

17. Last Name 姓

18. First Name 名

19. Gender 性别

20. Date of Birth 出生日期

21. Country of citizenship 国籍

22. If you have taken any English test, such as IELTS, please indicate the test result, the test name and when it was taken? 如果您有参加过任何英文考核,请说明考试名称(如,雅思)、考试名称和考试时间

23. Have you and your partner been living together for 12 months or more in a partnership that is genuine and stable? 你和你的配偶/伴侣是否关系真实稳定、同居时间超过12个月?

24. Will your partner be included in your application? 您的配偶会否包括在您的申请中

Sponsor detail 担保子女信息

25. Last Name 姓 *

26. First Name 名 *

27. Gender 性别

28. Date of Birth 出生日期

29. Partnership Status 婚姻状况

30. Contact Number 联系电话

31. Email

32. Is the sponsored child currently in New Zealand? 担保子女目前是否在新西兰? *

33. Is the sponsored child a NZ resident or citizen? 担保子女是否已拿到新西兰身份(resident or citizen)? *

34. If yes; what date were they first granted residence in New Zealand? 如果是的话,第一次获批新西兰Residence的时间是? *

35. If the sponsored child holds resident visa, is it subject to conditions under Section 49 of the Immigration Act? 如果担保子女持有resident visa, 是否仍受限于移民法S49条款? *

36. If the sponsored child holds resident visa, is he/she liable for deportation? 若持有resident visa, 担保子女是否目前面临被驱逐? *

37. Is this sponsor currently sponsoring another person under the Parent Category? 担保人是否已经担保了其他人(父母团聚类)? *

38. If yes, please indicate names of the person/s currently being sponsored. 如果是的话,请列出正在被担保的父母的名字。 *

39. Has the sponsored child spent 184 or more days in New Zealand in each of the 3 years before you apply for residence? 担保子女最近3年是否每年在新西兰生活超过184天? *

40. Has your sponsor previously breached any sponsorship obligations or do they have any outstanding debts as a result of another sponsorship arrangement? 担保人是否曾经在担保他人时违反过任何担保协议? *

41. Has your sponsor entered insolvency procedures or been adjudicated bankrupt? 担保人是否已经申请破产或者被裁定破产? *

42. Is your sponsor serving a custodial sentence or are they awaiting sentencing after being convicted of a crime which carries a custodial sentence? 您的担保人是服监禁性刑罚还是在被判犯有监禁性刑罚的罪行后正在等待判决? *

43. Has your sponsor ever been convicted of an offence under Immigration law? 担保人是否触犯过移民法? *

44. Is your sponsor sponsoring you for the purpose of receiving a financial reward or fee? 担保人选择担保是否是为了获得财务奖励或补偿? *

Sponsor's income 担保人收入

45. Nominated type of income to sponsor 提议担保收入类别 *

46. Please describe IRD income in the last 3 years 请列出过去三年的 税务收入 *

You may attach the IRD summary of earning of the past three years



Please provide sponsor's partner's detail only If choose “joint income from sponsored child and partner”

如果选择用夫妻共同收入担保父母, 请提供其女配偶的相关信息

47. Last Name 姓

48. First Name 名

49. Gender 性别

50. Is the sponsor’s partner currently in New Zealand? 担保子女的配偶目前是否在新西兰?

51. Is the sponsor’s partner a NZ resident or citizen? 担保子女的配偶是否已拿到新西兰身份(resident or citizen)?

52. If yes, what date were they first granted residence in New Zealand? 如果是的话,第一次获批新西兰Residence的时间是?

53. If the sponsor’s partner holds resident visa, is it subject to conditions under Section 49 of the Immigration Act? 如果担保子女的配偶持有resident visa, 是否仍受限于移民法S49条款?

54. If the sponsor’s partner holds resident visa, is he/she liable for deportation? 若持有resident visa, 担保子女的配偶是否目前面临被驱逐?

55. Is this sponsor currently sponsoring another person under the Parent Category? 担保人是否已经担保了其他人(父母团聚类)?

56. If yes, please indicate names of the person/s currently being sponsored. 如果是的话,请列出正在被担保的父母的名字

57. Has this sponsor spent 184 or more days in New Zealand in each of the 3 years before you apply for residence? 担保人最近3年是否每年在新西兰生活超过184天?

58. Has this sponsor previously breached any sponsorship obligations or do they have any outstanding debts as a result of another sponsorship arrangement? 担保人是否曾经在担保他人时违反过任何担保协议?

59. Has this sponsor entered insolvency procedures or been adjudicated bankrupt? 担保人是否已经申请破产或者被裁定破产?

60. Is this sponsor serving a custodial sentence or are they awaiting sentencing after being convicted of a crime which carries a custodial sentence? 该担保人是否服监禁性刑罚或在被判犯有监禁性刑罚的罪行后正在等待判决?

61. Has this sponsor ever been convicted of an offence under Immigration law? 担保人是否触犯过移民法?

62. Is this sponsor sponsoring you for the purpose of receiving a financial reward or fee? 担保人选择担保是否是为了获得财务奖励或补偿?


63. Full Name 姓名

64. Date of Birth 出生日期

65. Gender 性别

66. Partnership Status 婚姻状况

67. Country of residence 所居住国家

68. Country of citizneship 国籍

请点击+号 添加更多子女信息

Please click + sign to include more children details 

Character 品行

69. Have you or anyone included in this application ever been convicted or found guilty of any offence(s) against the law in any country? 您或您申请内包含的任何人,是否曾在任何国家触犯法律而且被定罪或被判有罪? *

70. Have you or anyone included in this application ever been convicted of any offence (including a traffic offence), committed within the last five years, involving dangerous driving, driving having consumed excessive alcohol (including drunk driving and driving with a blood or breath alcohol in excess of a specified limit) or driving having consumed drugs? 您或您申请内包含的任何人,是否在过去的五年里被判犯有任何罪行(包括交通违法行为),比如危险驾驶,过度饮酒驾驶(醉驾或血液中酒精含量超标),吸毒驾驶? *

71. Have you or anyone included in this application ever been charged with any offence against the law in any country? 您或您申请内包含的任何人,是否在任何国家被指控触犯法律? *

72. Have you or anyone included in this application ever been removed from any country, including NZ? 您或您申请内包含的任何人 ,是否曾被任何国家(包括新西兰)驱逐? *

73. Have you or anyone included in this application ever been refused entry to any country, including NZ? 您或您申请内包含的任何人 ,是否曾被任何国家拒绝入境(包括新西兰)? *

74. Have you or anyone included in this application ever been refused a visa for any country including NZ? 您或您申请内包含的任何人 ,是否曾被任何国家(包括新西兰)拒签过? *

75. If you answered Yes to any of the questions in this section you must provide a full explanation about the surrounding circumstances. 以上问题,若您有任何回答“是”,请给出情况的完整解释。


76. Do you or anyone included in this application have tuberculosis? 您或您申请内包含的任何人 ,是否患有肺结核? *

77. Do you or anyone included in this application have any medical conditions requiring renal dialysis? 您或您申请内包含的任何人 ,是否患有任何需要肾透析的疾病? *

78. Do you or anyone included in this application have any medical condition that requires hospital care? 您或您申请内包含的任何人 ,是否有任何需要住院治疗的疾病? *

79. Do you or anyone included in this application have a medical condition that requires residential care? 您或您申请内包含的任何人 ,是否有任何需要家庭护理的疾病? *

80. Do you or anyone included in this application have any other medical conditions that you are aware of that may affect the application? 您或您申请内包含的任何人 ,是否有其他可能会影响申请的健康状况? *

81. If you answered Yes to any of the questions in this section you must provide a full explanation about the surrounding circumstances. 以上问题,若您有任何回答“是”,请给出情况的完整解释

Declaration 声明

82. I hereby declare that the information given by me in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.I understand and agree that any false information, misrepresentation, or omission of facts in this application and the application process may be justification for refusal/ decline.I further understand and agree that all information furnished in this application and the application process may be verified as may be necessary. 我特此声明,我在本表格中提供的信息是真实和正确的。我理解并同意,在本表格和整个申请过程中所提供的任何虚假信息,虚假陈述或遗漏事实均可能成为申请被拒绝的原因。我进一步理解并同意在必要时可以查核本表格和申请过程中提供的所有信息。 *

Drop or click here to attach CV and other documents. Max 10 files