
IEF Limited



326 New North Road, Kingsland



09 3772233

Parent Retirement 父母退休移民评估

Full Name

Principal applicant details 主申请人信息

1. Last Name 姓 *

2. First Name 名 *

3. Gender 性别 *

4. Date of Birth 出生日期 *

5. Country of Citizenship 国籍 *

6. Partnership Status 婚姻状况 *

7. If you already have a NZ visa, what is the visa type 若已持有新西兰签证,请说明类别 *

8. What is your current visa expiry date 当前新西兰签证到期日期

9. Please select the preferred IEF contact person 您希望由IEF哪位员工与您联络 *

10. How did you find us? 您是如何知道我们的? *

Applicant contact details 申请人联络方式

11. Current address 当前居住地址 *

12. Phone number 电话 *

13. Email 电邮 *

14. Wechat 微信号

15. WhatsApp

Partner details 配偶信息

16. Last Name 姓 *

17. First Name 名 *

18. Gender 性别 *

19. Date of Birth 出生日期 *

20. Country of citizenship 国籍 *

21. Have you and your partner been living together for 12 months or more in a partnership that is genuine and stable? 你和你的配偶/伴侣是否关系真实稳定、同居时间超过12个月? *

22. Will your partner be included in your application? 您的配偶会否包括在您的申请中 *

Children Status 子女状况

23. Date of Birth 出生日期

24. Partnership Status 婚姻状况

25. Country of Residence 居住地

26. Is he/she supported by you? 仔/她是否由您供养?

Sponsor detail 担保子女信息

27. Last Name 姓 *

28. First Name 名 *

29. Gender 性别 *

30. Date of Birth 出生日期 *

31. Partnership Status 婚姻状况 *

32. Is the sponsored child currently in New Zealand? 担保子女目前是否在新西兰? *

33. Is the sponsored child a NZ resident or citizen? 担保子女是否已拿到新西兰身份(resident or citizen)? *

34. If yes; what date were they first granted residence in New Zealand? 如果是的话,第一次获批新西兰Residence的时间是? *

35. If the sponsored child holds resident visa, is it subject to conditions under Section 49 of the Immigration Act? 如果担保子女持有resident visa, 是否仍受限于移民法S49条款? *

36. If the sponsored child holds resident visa, is he/she liable for deportation? 若持有resident visa, 担保子女是否目前面临被驱逐? *

37. Is New Zealand his/her main country of residence? 新西兰是否他/她的主要居住国家? *

38. Has your sponsor previously breached any sponsorship obligations or do they have any outstanding debts as a result of another sponsorship arrangement? 担保人是否曾经在担保他人时违反过任何担保协议? *

39. Has your sponsor entered insolvency procedures or been adjudicated bankrupt? 担保人是否已经申请破产或者被裁定破产? *

40. Is your sponsor serving a custodial sentence or are they awaiting sentencing after being convicted of a crime which carries a custodial sentence? 您的担保人是服监禁性刑罚还是在被判犯有监禁性刑罚的罪行后正在等待判决? *

41. Has your sponsor ever been convicted of an offence under Immigration law? 担保人是否触犯过移民法? *

42. Does your sponsor currently receive welfare from the Work and Income Bureau? 他/她现时是否取得工作和收入局 (Work and Income) 的社会福利? *

Investment funds 投资资金

Requirement 要求:

The principal applicant must nominate a minimum of NZD $1 million to invest in New Zealand for 4 years.


Nominate funds and/or assets equivalent to the amount that they wish to invest in New Zealand 提名资金或同等价值的资产; and

Demonstrate ownership of the nominated finds and/or assets; 能够证明资产所有权 and

Demonstrate that the nominated funds and/or assets have been earned or acquired legally. 能够证明资产的来源和合法性

43. Do you have NZ$1 million to invest in New Zealand for four years? 您有100万新西兰元在新西兰投资四年吗? *

44. Please provide the type and location of the funds and/or assets (such as bank deposit, property, etc) 请提供资金和/或资产的类型和位置(例如银行存款,房產等) *

45. Please explain how you earned or acquired your investment funds and/or assets. 请说明您如何赚取或获得投资资金和/或资产。 *

46. Do you own this fund? 是否由您全权拥有? *

Settlement Fund 安居資金

Requirement 要求:

The principal applicant must nominate settlement funds of NZ$0.5 million


47. Do you have NZ$0.5 million as settlement fund? 您有50万新西兰元作為在新西兰的安居資金吗? *

48. Please provide the type and location of the funds and/or assets (such as bank deposit, property, etc) 请提供资金和/或资产的类型和位置(例如银行存款,房產等) *

49. Do you own this fund? 是否由您全权拥有? *

年收入 Annual Income

Requirement 要求:

The principal applicant must demonstrate an annual income of NZ$60,000.


50. 年收入 Annual Income *

51. Source of Income 收入来源 *

Income for Last 5 Years 過去五年收入

52. Year 1 Income Earned After Tax 第一年税后收入

53. Source of Income 收入来源

54. Year 2 Income Earned After Tax 第二年税后收入

55. Source of Income 收入来源

56. Year 3 Income Earned After Tax 第三年税后收入

57. Source of Income 收入来源

58. Year 4 Income Earned After Tax 第四年税后收入

59. Source of Income 收入来源

60. Year 5 Income Earned After Tax 第五年税后收入

61. Source of Income 收入来源

Character 品格要求

62. Have you or anyone included in this application been refused/declined an application for a visa in NZ or any other country? 您/任何包含在此次申请中的人是否有任何国家的拒签记录? *

63. Are you or anyone included in this application currently wanted for questioning for any offence in any country? 您/任何包含在此次申请中的人是否在任何国家因任何指控被盘讯? *

64. Are you or anyone included in this application currently under investigation for any offence in any country? 您/任何包含在此次申请中的人是否在任何国家因任何指控被调查? *

65. Are you or anyone included in this application currently facing charges for any offence in any country? 您/任何包含在此次申请中的人是否正受到任何国家的犯罪指控? *

66. Do you or anyone included in this application currently have an outstanding arrest warrant in any country? 您/任何包含在此次申请中的人是否在任何国家收到逮捕令? *

67. Have you or anyone included in this application ever been excluded from any country? 您/任何包含在此次申请中的人是否被任何国家(包括新西兰)驱逐? *

68. Have you or anyone included in this application ever been refused entry from any country? 您/任何包含在此次申请中的人是否有任何国家的被拒绝入境记录? *

69. Have you or anyone included in this application been removed or deported from any country? 您/任何包含在此次申请中的人是否曾被任何国家递解出境? *

70. Have you or anyone included in this application been convicted at any time of any offence including any driving offence? 您/任何包含在此次申请中的人是否有过犯罪记录?包括交通违章记录? *

71. If you have answered yes to any of the questions in this section please provide a detailed explanation below 如果以上任何问题您回答为是,请提供详细信息

Health 健康要求

72. Do you or anyone included in this application have tuberculosis? 您/任何包含在此次申请中的人是否有肺结核病(TB)? *

73. Do you or anyone included in this application have any medical condition that requires or may require renal dialysis?您/任何包含在此次申请中的人是否有可能需要在新西兰逗留期间接受肾透析治疗? *

74. Do you or anyone included in this application have any medical conditions that may require hospital care during your stay? 您/任何包含在此次申请中的人是否有可能需要在新西兰逗留期间接受住院治疗? *

75. Do you or anyone included in this application have any medical condition that requires or may require residential care during your stay? 您/任何包含在此次申请中的人是否有可能需要在新西兰逗留期间需要陪床看护? *

76. Do you or anyone included in this application have haemophilia? 您/任何包含在此次申请中的人是否有严重的血友病? *

77. Do you or anyone included in this application have any health condition that is likely to require ongoing treatment or medication? 您/任何包含在此次申请中的人有无任何慢性或急性疾病? *

78. If you have answered yes to any of the questions in this section please provide a detailed explanation below 如果以上任何问题您回答为是,请提供详细信息

Declaration 声明

79. I hereby declare that the information given by me in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.I understand and agree that any false information, misrepresentation, or omission of facts in this application and the application process may be justification for refusal/ decline.I further understand and agree that all information furnished in this application and the application process may be verified as may be necessary. 我特此声明,我在本表格中提供的信息是真实和正确的。我理解并同意,在本表格和整个申请过程中所提供的任何虚假信息,虚假陈述或遗漏事实均可能成为申请被拒绝的原因。我进一步理解并同意在必要时可以查核本表格和申请过程中提供的所有信息。 *