
IEF Limited



326 New North Road, Kingsland



09 3772233

Work Visa Evaluation 工作签证评估表

Full Name

Identity 个人信息

1. Family name 姓 *

2. Given names 名 *

3. Gender 性别 *

4. Date of birth 生日 *

5. Partnership status 婚姻状况 *

6. Contact Number 联系电话 *

7. Email address 邮箱 *

8. Wechat 微信号

9. New Zealand residential address 新西兰地址

10. Most recent overseas address 海外地址

11. If you are a NZ visa holder please state the visa type and expiry date 如果你已持有新西兰签证,请说明签证类别和有效期日

12. Do you also require our assistance to apply for a visa/visas for family members? 是否需要我们帮忙同步办理家人签证? *

13. If yes, please describe the family member you would like us to apply visa for and their relationship with you. 如果是的话,请告诉我们需要帮助谁办理,对方和您的关系

14. Please also describe the type of visa and visa expiry date your family member currently holds. 请告诉我们您家人目前持有的签证类别和有效期日

15. Please select the preferred IEF contact person 您希望由IEF哪位员工与您联络 *

16. How did you find us? 您是如何知道我们的? *

NZ job offer details 新西兰工作基本信息

17. Do you require our assistance to find a potential employer? 您是否需要我们的协助找到工作? *

18. Do you have a job offer in New Zealand? 您是否已经找到新西兰的工作? *

19. If yes, what position have you been offered? 如已经找到工作,您获聘的职位是?

20. What is the employer's company name? 雇主公司名称

21. Is your potential employer accredited? 您的雇主是否已经成为新西兰移民局的信用雇主 accredited employer?

22. What hourly rate have you been offered? 获聘时薪

23. What is the commencement date of the employment? 开始日期

24. What is the employer's NZ address? 公司地址

25. Contact person name 雇主联系人姓名

26. Contact person's position 联系人职位

27. Contact person's email address 联系人邮箱

28. Contact person's phone number 联系人电话

Qualification History 学历背景

29. Qualification full name 学位全称(和证书上名称一致) *

30. Your major 专业主修

31. Name of Institution 学校名称

32. Graduation date 毕业日期

If you have more than one qualification, you may click + to include more details 


Employment History 工作经验

33. Employment start date 开始时间 *

34. Employment end date 结束时间

35. Name of employer 雇佣公司名称

36. Position held 当时的职位 *

37. Country of employment 公司所在国家

If you have had additional work experience, you may click + to include more details


Health 身体健康

38. Do you have tuberculosis? 您是否患有肺结核? *

39. Do you have any medical conditions that requires renal dialysis? 是否患有任何需要肾透析的疾病? *

40. Do you have any medical conditions that requires hospital care? 是否有任何需要住院治疗的疾病? *

41. Do you have any medical conditions that requires residential care? 是否有任何需要家庭护理的疾病? *

42. Do you have any other medical conditions that you are aware of that may affect the application? 是否有其他可能会影响申请的健康状况? *

43. If you answered Yes to any of the questions in this section you must provide a full explanation about the surrounding circumstances. 以上问题,若您有任何回答“是”,请提供解释

Character 品格

44. Have you ever been convicted at any time of any offence including any driving offence? 是否有任何任何犯罪记录(包括交通违法行为)? *

45. Have you ever been removed from, deported from, expelled from, excluded from or refused entry to any country including NZ? 是否曾被任何国家排除/拒绝入境/被遣返或驱逐出境? *

46. Are you currently under investigation, wanted for questioning or facing charges for any offence in any country including NZ? 是否曾因违反任何国家/地区的法律而被定罪/指控/接受调查 *

47. Have you ever been refused a visa in any country including NZ? 是否曾经被包括新西兰在内的任何国家拒绝签证,包括新西兰? *

48. Have you lived in any country for more than 5 years since the age of 17 (not including your country of citizenship)? 17岁以后是否在任何(不包括国籍所在地)国家居住超过5年? *

49. If you have answered yes to any of the questions in this section please provide a detailed explanation below 以上问题,您有任何回答“是”,请提供更多详细信息

I hereby declare that the information given by me in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.I understand and agree that any false information, misrepresentation, or omission of facts in this application and the application process may be justification for refusal/ decline.I further understand and agree that all information furnished in this application and the application process may be verified as may be necessary.
Drop or click here to attach CV and other documents. Max 10 files