
IEF Limited



326 New North Road, Kingsland



09 3772233

Partnership Evaluation 配偶类评估表

Full Name

Principal Applicant Identity 主申请人信息

1. Surname 姓 *

2. Given name 名 *

3. Gender 性别 *

4. Month/year of birth 出生年月 *

5. Country of Citizenship 国籍 *

6. Relationship status 婚姻状况 *

7. If you are currently the holder of a NZ visa, please enter the visa details including the visa type and expiry date 如果您目前持有新西兰签证,请说明签证类别和有效期

8. Current address 目前居住地址 *

9. Contact number 联系电话 *

10. Email *

11. Wechat 微信号 *

12. How did you find us? 您是如何知道IEF的? *

13. Please select the preferred IEF contact person 请选择您想联络的IEF员工 *

Relationship background 情感历史

14. When did you and your partner start living together? 您和您的配偶从什么时候开始居住在一起的? *

15. If married, what date did you get married? 如果已经结婚,什么时候结婚的?

16. What country was your marriage registered in? 你们在哪个国家注册结婚?

17. If you are not living together, please provide a detailed explanation 如果现在两人没有住在一起,请说明理由

Partner details 配偶信息

18. Surname 姓 *

19. Given name 名 *

20. Gender 性别 *

21. Month/year of birth 出生年月 *

22. Contact number 联系电话

23. Email

24. Is New Zealand the primary place of your established residence? 新西兰是主要居住地吗?

25. Do any of the following apply to you 请选择对应的签证情况 *

26. Have you sponsored anyone in the past? 是否以前成功担保过他人或者被他人担保? *

27. If yes, please provide details including the name; date of birth and date of approval 如果是的话,请提供对方的姓名、出生日期、批准时间

28. Have you ever been convicted at any time of any offence involving domestic violence or of a sexual nature in any country including NZ? 有没有刑事犯罪,包括家庭暴力或性侵犯? *

Dependent child details 未成年子女情况

29. Surname 姓

30. Given Name 名

31. Gender 性别

32. Date of birth 出生日期

33. Country of citizenship 国籍

34. Relationship status 婚姻状况

35. Do you have your own children? 是否有自己的小孩?

36. Are you separated or divorced with the child's biological parent? 您是否和孩子的亲生父/母亲分居或离婚了?

You may click + to include more child details 


Character 品行

37. Have you or anyone included in this application been convicted at any time of any offence including a driving offence? 您和任何包含在此次申请中的人是否曾有过犯罪记录,包括交通违章记录? *

38. Are you or anyone included in this application currently under investigation, wanted for questioning or facing charges? 您和任何包含在此次申请中的人是否正在面临任何形式的犯罪指控或正在接受调查? *

39. Have you or anyone included in this application ever been excluded, refused entry, removed or deported from any country including NZ? 您和任何包含在此次申请中的人是否曾经在任何国家,包括新西兰,有过遣返或拒绝入境的记录? *

40. Have you or anyone included in this application ever been refused a visa by any country, including NZ? 您和任何包含在此次申请中的人是否曾经在任何国家,包括新西兰,有过拒签记录? *

41. If you have answered yes to any of the questions in this section can you please provide details below 如果你对以上任何问题回答“是”的话,请完整的给出详情

Health 健康

42. Do you or anyone included in this application have tuberculosis? 您和任何包含在此次申请中的人是否有肺结核或其病史? *

43. Do you or anyone included in this application have any medical condition that requires renal dialysis, hospital care or residential care? 您和任何包含在此次申请中的人在新西兰居住期间是否需要接受以下任意治疗:肾透析、住院治疗、陪床看护? *

44. Do you or anyone included in this application have any medical condition that you are aware of that may affect this application? 您和任何包含在此次申请中的人是否有任何身体状况可能会影响到申请的结果? *

45. If you have answered yes to any of the questions in this section please provide details 如果你对以上任何问题回答“是”的话,请完整的给出详情

Declaration 声明

46. I hereby declare that the information given by me in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.I understand and agree that any false information, misrepresentation, or omission of facts in this application and the application process may be justification for refusal/ decline.I further understand and agree that all information furnished in this application and the application process may be verified as may be necessary. 我特此声明,我在本表格中提供的信息是真实和正确的。我理解并同意,在本表格和整个申请过程中所提供的任何虚假信息,虚假陈述或遗漏事实均可能成为申请被拒绝的原因。我进一步理解并同意在必要时可以查核本表格和申请过程中提供的所有信息。 *

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